An ALTERATION to an existing sprinkler system where the total cost of the proposed work in the building does not exceed twenty five thousand dollars in any 12-month period and the proposed work is limited to the following:

1. Replacement of parts required for the operation of a sprinkler system;
2. Replacement of sprinkler heads, provided that orifice sizes, type and deflector positions remain the same;
3. Changes that do not alter the type of sprinkler system;
4. Relocation of piping that does not affect the operation of the sprinkler system; and
5. Rearrangement of not more than 20 sprinkler heads in areas presently sprinklered in light hazard occupancy, as such term is defined in reference standards, which will remain in such occupancy, provided that the addition of sprinkler heads in existing systems shall be limited to light hazard occupancies in rooms or spaces not exceeding 800 square feet (74.3 m2) requiring only one head with the maximum spacing allowed by the code, and provided that the number of new heads does not exceed a total of five.
