A "fireproof multiple dwelling" is one in which the walls and other structural members are of incombustible materials or assemblies meeting all of the requirements of the building code and with standard fire-resistive ratings of not less than one of the following sets of requirements:

a. For any multiple dwelling more than one hundred feet in height:

-4 hours for fire walls, party walls, piers, columns, interior structural members which carry walls, girders carrying columns, and for exterior walls other than panel walls.

-3 hours for other girders, fire partitions, floors including their beams and girders, beams, roofs, floor fillings, and stairway enclosures.

-2 hours for exterior panel walls.

b. For any multiple dwelling one hundred feet or less in height:

-4 hours for fire walls, party walls, piers, columns, interior structural members which carry walls, girders carrying columns.

-3 hours for exterior walls other than panel walls

-2 hours for panel walls, protection of interior columns

-1-1/2 hours for roofs and for floors and beams; provided, however, that for a multiple dwelling three stories or less in height, the requirement for all floors and the roof shall be 1 hour.
