In reference to CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS,the endorsement by the DEPARTMENT of construction documents with less than full examination by the department based on the professional certification of a registered design professional in accordance with a program established by the COMMISSIONER.
Labels: 0 New NYC Construction Codes, A
A BUILDING or portion thereof and the accessory public areas thereof are accessible when they comply with subarticle two of article two of subchapter four of chapter one of title twenty seven of this code and can be approached, entered and used by people having physical disabilities.
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
A continuous unobstructed path connecting all ACCESSIBLE spaces and rooms in a BUILDING that can be negotiated by all categories of people having physical disabilities. Interior accessible routes may include CORRIDORS, doorways, floors, ramps elevators, lifts and clear floor space adjacent to fixtures. Exterior accessible routes may include parking accessaisles, curb ramps, walks, ramps and lifts. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
A use or occupancy incidental to the principal use or occupancy of a BUILDING. See also Zoning Resolution definition of ACCESSORY USE. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
(a) is a USE conducted on the same ZONING LOT as the principal USE to which it is related (whether located within the same or an ACCESSORY BUILDING OR OTHER STRUCTURE, or as an ACCESSORY USE of land), except that, where specifically provided in the applicable district regulations or elsewhere in this Resolution, ACCESSORY docks, off-street parking or off-street loading need not be located on the same ZONING LOT; and
(b) is a USE which is clearly incidental to, and customarily found in connection with, such principal USE; and
(c) is either in the same ownership as such principal USE, or is operated and maintained on the same ZONING LOT substantially for the benefit or convenience of the owners, occupants, employees, customers, or visitors of the principal USE.
When ACCESSORY is used in the text, it shall have the same meaning as ACCESSORY USE.
An ACCESSORY USE includes:
(1) Living or sleeping accommodations for servants in connection with a USE listed in Use Groups 1 and 2;
(2) Living or sleeping accommodations for caretakers in connection with any USE listed in Use Groups 3 through 18 inclusive, provided that:
(i) no BUILDING contains more than one living or sleeping accommodation for caretakers;
(ii) no such living or sleeping accommodation shall exceed
1,200 square feet of FLOOR AREA;
(iii) the owner shall sign a Restrictive Declaration that any such caretaker will provide maintenance and/or repair services, and containing a list of services to be performed by such caretaker. Such Restrictive Declaration shall be recorded in the Office of the City Register, or, where applicable, the County Clerk's Office, of the county where the BUILDING is located.
A copy of such declaration shall be provided to the Department of Buildings; and
(iv) in C6-2M, C6-4M, M1-5M, M1-6M, M1-5A, M1-5B Districts and the SPECIAL TRIBECA MIED USE DISTRICT, no living or sleeping accommodation for caretakers is permitted
(3) Living or sleeping accommodations in connection with COMMERCIAL or MANUFACTURING USES, including living or sleeping accommodations in connection with a studio listed in Use Group 9, provided that:
(i) no BUILDING contains more than two kitchens; and
(ii) no such living or sleeping accommodations are located in a C7, C8 or MANUFACTURING DISTRICT.
(4) Keeping of domestic animals, but not for sale or hire. A commercial stable or kennel is not an ACCESSORY USE.
(5) Swimming pools not located within a BUILDING listed in Use Group 1 or 2, provided that:
(i) the USE of such pools shall be restricted to occupants of the principal USE and guests for whom no admission or membership fees are charged;
(ii) if ACCESSORY to a USE listed in Use Group 2, except if such USE is a SINGLE-FAMILY or TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE, the edge of the pool shall be located not less than 100 feet from any LOT LINE;
(iii) if ACCESSORY to a USE listed in Use Group 1 or Use Group 2, which USE is a SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE or TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE, the edge of the pool shall be located not less than 5 feet from any LOT LINE, except that such minimum distance between the edge of the pool and any SIDE LOT LINE may be not less than 3 feet in the case of lots less than 25 feet in width, providing that it is screened from adjoining lots by a 6 foot high continuous solid opaque fence along the SIDE LOT LINE adjacent to such pool. In the event that such pool is located between 50 and 5 feet from any REAR LOT LINE or SIDE LOT LINE, it shall be screened by a continuous fence supplemented with a strip of densely planted trees or shrubs at least four feet high at the time of planting along such REAR LOT LINE to such pool; and
(iv) illumination of such pools shall be limited to underwater lighting.
Swimming pool clubs are not ACCESSORY USES.
(6) Domestic or agricultural storage in a barn, shed, tool room, or similar BUILDING OR OTHER STRUCTURE
(8) A newsstand primarily for the convenience of the occupants of a BUILDING, which is located wholly within such BUILDING and has no exterior SIGNS or displays.
(9) Incinerators.
(10) In connection with COMMERCIAL or MANUFACTURING USES, the storage of goods normally carried in stock, used in, or produced by such USES, unless the storage is expressly prohibited under the applicable district regulation. The FLOOR AREA used for such ACCESSORY storage shall be included in the maximum FLOOR AREA permitted for specified USES set forth in the Use Groups.
(11) Incidental repairs, unless expressly prohibited under the applicable district regulations. The FLOOR AREA used for such ACCESSORY repairs shall be included in the maximum FLOOR AREA permitted for specified USES set forth in the Use Groups.
(12) The removal for sale of sod, loam, clay, sand, gravel, or stone in connection with the construction of a BUILDING OR OTHER STRUCTURE on the same ZONING LOT, or in connection with the regrading of a ZONING LOT, but in the latter case not below the legal STREET grade.
(13) ACCESSORY off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed.
(14) ACCESSORY off-street loading berths.
(16) ACCESSORY radio or television towers.
(17) ACCESSORY activities when conducted underground as part of the operation of railroad passenger terminals, such as switching, storage, maintenance, or servicing of trains.
(18) ACCESSORY sewage disposal plants except such plants serving more than 50 DWELLING UNITS.
(19) An ambulance outpost operated by or under contract with a government agency or a public benefit corporation and located either on the same ZONING LOT as, or on a ZONING LOT adjacent to a ZONING LOT occupied by, a fire or police station.
(See also 1968 Building Code deifinition of ACCESSORY USE)
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, A
A stair between two floors, which does not serve as a required exit. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
DWELLING UNITS which are constructed on an ACCESSIBLE ROUTE and equipped as set forth in reference standard RS 4-6, so that they may be converted to be used, with a minimum of structural change, by all categories of people having physical disabilities. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
An ALTERATION of a BUILDING in existence that increases its exterior dimensions including but not limited to an extension or increase in floor area or height (including an increase in height or area resulting from the CONSTRUCTION of a rooftop structure for mechanical equipment) of the building.
Labels: 0 New NYC Construction Codes, A
The average elevation of the final grade adjoining all exterior walls of a BUILDING, calculated from grade elevations taken at intervals of ten feet around the perimeter of the building. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
The administrative code of the city of New York. ...more
Labels: 0 New NYC Construction Codes, A
An ADVERTISING SIGN is a SIGN that directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered elsewhere than upon the same ZONING LOT and is not ACCESSORY to a USE located on the ZONING LOT. ...more
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, A
The AGGREGATE WIDTH OF STREET WALLS at any given level is the sum of the maximum widths of all STREET WALLS of a BUILDING within 50 feet of a STREET LINE. The width of a STREET WALL is the length of the STREET LINE from which, when viewed directly from above, lines perpendicular to the STREET LINE may be drawn to such STREET WALL. ...more
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, A
The process by which the temperature, humidity, movement, cleanliness, and odor of air circulated through a space are controlled simultaneously. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
A structure consisting of skin diaphragms made of flexible material, which achieves its shape, support, and stability from internal air pressure. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
The maximum stress permitted in soil of a given type and under given conditions. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
The maximum stress permitted at a given point in a structural member under given conditions. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
Any CONSTRUCTION, ADDITION, change of use or occupancy, or renovation to a BUILDING or structure in existence. ...more
Labels: 0 New NYC Construction Codes, A
Any ADDITION, or change or modification of a BUILDING, or the service equipment thereof, that affects safety or health and that is not classified as a minor alteration or ordinary repair. The moving of a building from one location or position to another shall be deemed an alteration. (Superceded by New NYC Construction Codes Definition of ALTERATION) ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
A game of chance or skill or similar activity in which the public participates as a form of amusement. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
A mechanically operated device or structure, open to the public, used to convey persons in any direction as a form of amusement. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
An APARTMENT HOTEL is a BUILDING or part of a BUILDING in which:
(a) the DWELLING UNITS or ROOMING UNITS are used primarily for permanent occupancy;
(b) one or more common entrances serve all such units; and
(c) one or more of the following services are provided: housekeeping, telephone, desk, or bellhop service, or the furnishing or laundering of linens.
Restaurants, cocktail lounges, or indoor swimming pools are permitted ACCESSORY USES, Provided that in RESIDENCE DISTRICTS, such facilities shall be accessible only through the
lobby and there shall be no SIGNS except as permitted by the applicable district regulations. Public banquet halls, ballrooms, or meeting rooms are not permitted ACCESSORY USES.
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, A
In reference to CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, the determination by the department after full examination that submitted construction documents comply with this code and other applicable laws and rules. In reference to materials, the determination by the COMMISSIONER that material is acceptable for its intended use.
Labels: 0 New NYC Construction Codes, A
An established and recognized agency, or other qualified person, regularly engaged in conducting tests or furnishing inspection services, when approved pursuant to department rules as qualified to perform or witness identified testing or inspection services. ...more
Labels: 0 New NYC Construction Codes, A
An established and qualified person, firm or corporation approved by the COMMISSIONER to custom manufacture or build products or assemblies regulated by this code. ...more
Labels: 0 New NYC Construction Codes, A
An approved agency that is approved by the department as qualified to perform one or more of the inspections required by this code. ...more
Labels: 0 New NYC Construction Codes, A
An approved agency that is approved by the department as qualified to test and evaluate the performance of one or more of the materials regulated in their use by this code. Such term shall include, when approved pursuant to department rules, a third party testing or certification agency, evaluation agency, testing laboratory, testing service or other entity concerned with product evaluation. ...more
Labels: 0 New NYC Construction Codes, A
When used in connection with plans, materials and equipment shall mean approved by the COMMISSIONER; when used in connection with materials and equipment, shall also mean previously approved by the board, unless such approval is amended or repealed by the COMMISSIONER; otherwise shall mean approved by the department or agency indicated by the text. (Definition amended L.L. 49/1991 §18, eff. July 1, 1991.) (Superceded by New NYC Construction Codes Definition of APPROVAL or APPROVED) ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
An ARCADE is a continuous covered space fronting on and open to a STREET, RESIDENTIAL PLAZA or URBAN PLAZA, and DEVELOPED in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 27-60. ...more
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, A
A person licensed to practice the profession of architecture under the education law of the state of New York. (Link to NYS Education Department Online License Verification) ...more
A floor area to which egress is made through a HORIZONTAL EXIT or SUPPLEMENTAL VERTICAL EXIT. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
An ARTIST is a person so certified by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. ...more
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, A
An AS-OF-RIGHT development complies with all applicable zoning regulations and does not require any discretionary action by the City Planning Commission or Board of Standards and Appeals. (A Variance is not required) ...more
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, A
Any part of a place of assembly, exclusive of a stage, that is occupied by numbers of persons during the major period of occupancy. Every tier of seating shall be considered a separate assembly space. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
A vertical opening or series of openings within a BUILDING connecting three or more floors, which may be covered at the top, and which is used for purposes other than an enclosed stairway, elevator hoistway or utility shaft. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
An ATTACHED BUILDING is a BUILDING that abuts two LOT LINES other than a STREET LINE. Where a BUILDING shares a party wall with another BUILDING on an adjoining ZONING LOT, each such party wall shall be considered as a wall abutting a LOT LINE. ...more
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, A
The space between the ceiling framing of the topmost STORY and the underside of the roof framing. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
As applied to an opening protective, shall mean a door, window, damper, or other device, and its assembly, which is normally open and is designed to close automatically when subjected to a predetermined temperature, rate of temperature rise, or abnormal smoke condition. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
A standpipe system in which all piping is filled with air, either compressed or at atmospheric pressure. Water enters the system through a control valve actuated either automatically by the reduction of air pressure within the system or by the manual activation of a remote control located at each hose station.
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
A pump that maintains a required water pressure in a fire extinguishing system and which is actuated by a starting device adjusted to cause the pump to operate when the pressure in the system drops below a predetermined pressure, and to stop the pump when the pressure is restored.
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
A sprinkler system in which the piping up to the sprinkler heads is filled with air, either compressed or at atmospheric pressure, with the water supply controlled by a Type A or Type B dry pipe valve.
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
As applied to an elevator, shall mean operation whereby the starting of the car is effected in response to the momentary actuation of operating devices at the landing, and/or of operating devices in the car identified with the landings, and/or in response to an automatic starting mechanism, and whereby the car is stopped automatically at the landings. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
A sprinkler system in which all piping and sprinkler heads are at all times filled with water under pressure which is immediately discharged when a sprinkler head operates, with the water continuing to flow until the system is shut off.
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
A vehicle-lifting device, the purpose of which is to raise an entire vehicle to provide accessibility for under-chassis service. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
A BUILDING, space, or premises used for the storage and sale of motor fuels, and which may also have facilities for lubrication, minor repairs, or washing of motor vehicles. See also Zoning Resolution definition of AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE STATION.
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, A
An AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE STATION is a BUILDING OR OTHER STRUCTURE or a tract of land used exclusively for the storage and sale of gasoline or other motor fuels and for any USES ACCESSORY thereto. The sale of lubricants, accessories, or supplies, the lubrication of motor vehicles, the minor adjustment or repair of motor vehicles with hand tools only, or the occasional washing of motor vehicles are permitted ACCESSORY USES. A PUBLIC PARKING LOT or PUBLIC PARKING GARAGE is not a permitted ACCESSORY USE. See also 1968 Building Code Definition of AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE STATION.
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, A
The flow of water or other substances into the distribution pipes of a potable water supply from any source other than the intended source. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
Light timber CONSTRUCTION in which the exterior walls consist of studs that are either continuous through floors or interrupted only by thickness of plates. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
The BASE FLOOD ELEVATION is the level in feet of the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year, as indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. ...more
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, B
A STORY partly underground, but having less than one-half its clear height (measured from finished floor to finished ceiling) below the CURB LEVEL; except that where the CURB LEVEL has not been legally established, or where every part of the BUILDING is set back more than twenty-five feet from a street line, the height shall be measured from the adjoining grade
elevation. (See CELLAR)
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
The BASE PLANE is a plane from which the height of a BUILDING OR OTHER STRUCTURE is measured as specified in certain Zoning Resolution Sections. For BUILDINGS, portions of BUILDINGS with STREET WALLS at least 15 feet in width, or BUILDING SEGMENTS within 100 feet of a STREET LINE, the level of the BASE PLANE is any level between CURB LEVEL and STREET WALL LINE LEVEL. Beyond 100 feet of a STREET LINE, the level of the BASE PLANE is the average elevation of the final grade adjoining the BUILDING or BUILDING SEGMENTS, determined in the manner prescribed by the Building Code of the City of New York for ADJOINING GRADE ELEVATION. In either case, where the BASE FLOOD ELEVATION is higher than grade, the BASE FLOOD ELEVATION may be the level of the BASE PLANE.
In addition, the following regulations shall apply:
(a) Within 100 feet of a STREET LINE:
(1) The level of the BASE PLANE for a BUILDING or BUILDING SEGMENT without a STREET WALL shall be determined by the average elevation of the final grade adjoining such BUILDING or BUILDING SEGMENT.
(2) Where a BASE PLANE other than CURB LEVEL is established, the average elevation of the final grade adjoining the STREET WALL of the BUILDING or BUILDING SEGMENT, excluding the entrance to a garage within the STREET WALL, shall not be lower than the level of the BASE PLANE, unless the BASE PLANE is also the BASE FLOOD ELEVATION.
(3) Where the average elevation of the final grade adjoining the STREET WALL of the BUILDING, excluding the entrance to a garage within the STREET WALL, is more than two feet below CURB LEVEL, the level of the BASE PLANE shall be the elevation of such final grade, unless the BASE PLANE is also the BASE FLOOD ELEVATION. This paragraph shall not apply to BUILDING DEVELOPED before June 30, 1989 in R2X, R3, R4 or R5 Districts. Furthermore, this paragraph shall not apply to BUILDINGS in C1 or C2 Districts mapped within R2X, R3, R4 or R5 Districts, or in C3 or C4-1 Districts, unless such BUILDING are located on WATERFRONT BLOCKS.
(4) As an option, on sites which slope from the STREET WALL LINE LEVEL to the REAR WALL LINE LEVEL by at least ten percent to the horizontal, the level of the BASE PLANE may extend in a sloping plane from such STREET WALL LINE LEVEL to such REAR WALL LINE LEVEL. When a sloping BASE PLANE is thus established, the average elevation of the final grade at the REAR WALL LINE shall not be lower than the REAR WALL LINE LEVEL.
(b) For all BUILDINGS, where BASE PLANES of different elevations apply to different portions of a BUILDING, only that portion of the BUILDING to which such BASE PLANE applies may be used to determine such BASE PLANE.
(c) For BUILDINGS located partially within and partially beyond 100 feet of a STREET LINE, or where CORNER LOT or THROUGH LOT regulations subject different portions of a BUILDING to BASE PLANES of different elevations, separate BASE PLANES may be determined for each such portion of the BUILDING or, as an option, the elevation of each such BASE PLANE may be multiplied by the percentage of the total LOT COVERAGE of the BUILDING to which such BASE PLANE applies. The sum of the products thus obtained may be the elevation of adjusted BASE PLANE applicable to such BUILDING.
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, B
As applied to a wall or partition, shall mean supporting any vertical load in addition to its own weight. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
As applied to an ELEVATOR, shall mean an indirect-drive machine having a single belt or multiple belts as the connecting means. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
A BLOCK is a tract of land bounded by:
(c) railroad rights-of-way, when located at or above ground level but not including sidings or spurs in the same ownership as the ZONING LOT;
(d) airport boundaries;
(e) pierhead lines (or shore lines where no pierhead lines have been established); or
(f) corporate boundary lines of New York City.
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, B
The Board of Standards and Appeals of the City of New York. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
A structure open to the outdoors consisting of a roof, roof supports, and floor, connecting a garage or other ACCESSORY BUILDING with a dwelling. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. The term shall be construed as if followed by the phrase “structure, premises, lot or part thereof” unless otherwise indicated by the text. ...more
Labels: 0 New NYC Construction Codes, B
An enclosed structure including service equipment therein. The term shall be construed as if followed by the phrase "structure, premises, or part thereof" unless otherwise indicated by the text. (Superceded by New NYC Construction Codes definition of BUILDING)
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
A BUILDING is any structure which:
(a) is permanently affixed to the land;
(b) has one or more floors and a roof; and
(c) is bounded by either open area or the LOT LINES of a ZONING LOT.
A BUILDING shall not include such structures as billboards, fences, or radio towers, or structures with interior surfaces not normally accessible for human use, such as gas holders, tanks, smoke stacks, grain elevators, coal bunkers, oil cracking towers, or similar structures.
A BUILDING may, for example, consist of a SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED residence, a TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE, either a row house or a series of row houses (depending on location of LOT LINES), a row of garden apartments with individual entrances, or an apartment house; a single store or a row of stores (depending on location of LOT LINES); or a single factory or a loft.
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, B
That part of the lowest piping of a drainage system that receives the discharge from the soil, waste, and other drainage pipes and conveys it to the BUILDING HOUSE SEWER by gravity. The building house drain shall be considered to extend five feet outside the exterior wall of the BUILDING.
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
A BUILDING HOUSE DRAIN that conveys storm water in combination with sewage or other drainage. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
A BUILDING HOUSE DRAIN that carries sewage only. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
That part of the lowest piping of a storm drainage system that receives clear water drainage from leaders, surface runoff, ground water, subsurface water, condensate, cooling water, or other similar storm or clear drainage and conveys it to the BUILDING HOUSE STORM SEWER by gravity. The building house storm drain shall be considered to extend five feet outside the exterior wall of the BUILDING. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
That part of the horizontal piping of a drainage system that extends from the end of the building house drain and that receives the discharge of the BUILDING HOUSE DRAIN and conveys it to a public sewer, private sewer, individual sewage-disposal system, or other point of disposal. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
A BUILDING HOUSE SEWER that conveys sewage in combination with storm water and other clear water wastes. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
A BUILDING HOUSE SEWER that carries sewage only. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
That part of the horizontal piping of a storm drainage system that extends from the BUILDING HOUSE STORM DRAIN to the public storm sewer, combined sewer, or other point of disposal. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
A room, floor, group of floors, wing, or any other portion of a BUILDING contained within fire divisions. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
A BUILDING SEGMENT is a portion of a BUILDING where such BUILDING consists of two or more contiguous portions, each comprised of one or more DWELLING UNITS having a separate RESIDENTIAL entrance or entrances serving only those DWELLING UNITS within such portion. BUILDING SEGMENTS may share a common CELLAR or parking facility. However, a BUILDING SEGMENT may not be located above another BUILDING SEGMENT. ...more
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, B
That portion of a house drainage system that cannot drain by gravity into the BUILDING HOUSE SEWER. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
BULK is the term used to describe the size of BUILDINGS OR OTHER STRUCTURES, and their relationships to each other and to open areas and LOT LINES, and therefore includes:
(a) the size (including height and FLOOR AREA) of BUILDINGS OR OTHER STRUCTURES;
(b) the area of the ZONING LOT upon which a RESIDENTIAL BUILDING is located, and the number of DWELLING UNITS or ROOMING UNITS within such BUILDING in relation to the area of the ZONING LOT;
(d) the location of exterior walls of BUILDINGS OR OTHER STRUCTURES in relation to LOT LINES, to other walls of the same BUILDING, to LEGALLY REQUIRED WINDOWS, or to other BUILDINGS OR OTHER STRUCTURES; and
(e) all open areas relating to BUILDINGS OR OTHER STRUCTURES and their relationship thereto.
Labels: 4 Zoning Resolution, B
An enclosed structure on or above the roof of any part of a BUILDING, enclosing a shaft, stairway, tank, or SERVICE EQUIPMENT, or other space not designed or used for human occupancy. (See PENTHOUSE and ROOF STRUCTURE.) ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, B
The term cabaret shall mean any room, place or space in which any musical entertainment, singing, dancing or other similar amusement is permitted in connection with an eating and drinking establishment.
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
A power operated system for moving loads in a generally horizontal direction in which the loads are conveyed on an overhead cable, track or carriage. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
As applied to an elevator, shall mean the sliding portion of the car that closes the opening giving access to the car. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
As applied to an elevator, shall mean an electrical device, the function of which is to prevent operation of the driving machine by the normal operating device unless the car door or gate is in the closed position. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
Operation of an elevator wherein the movement and direction of travel of the car are directly and solely under the control of the operator by means of a manually operated car switch or of continuous-pressure buttons in the car.
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
The elimination of the frictional forces between a portion of a pile and the surrounding soil by use of a sleeve between the pile and the soil. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
A platform or other construction projecting from the face of a building, supported therefrom, and used to intercept the fall of objects and to protect individuals and property from falling debris. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
A STORY partly or wholly underground, but having one-half or more of its clear height (measured from finished floor to finished ceiling) below the CURB LEVEL; except that where the CURB LEVEL has not been legally established, or where every part of the building is set back more than twenty-five feet from a street line, the height shall be measured from the adjoining grade elevation. Cellars shall not be counted as STORIES in measuring the height of buildings. (See BASEMENT.) ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
A certificate stating that materials meet specified standards or that work was done in compliance with APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS and other applicable provisions of law and with respect to specified service equipment, a certificate issued by the department authorizing the operation of such equipment. ...more
Labels: 0 New NYC Construction Codes, C
A Document issued by the Department of Buildings certifying the permitted Legal Occupancy and Use of a Building and each of it's floors. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
As applied to an elevator, shall mean an indirect-drive machine having a chain as the connecting means. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
An enclosed vertical passage through which refuse is fed to an incinerator. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
A gate in an incinerator used to control the flow of combustion gases into the CHARGING CHUTE and the entry of refuse into the combustion chamber. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
A vertical enclosure containing one or more flues used to remove hot gases from burning fuel, refuse, or from industrial processes. ...more
Labels: 1 1968 Building Code, C
A multiple dwelling which is occupied, as a rule, for permanent residence purposes. This class shall include tenements, flat houses, maisonette apartments, apartment houses, apartment hotels, bachelor apartments, studio apartments, duplex apartments, kitchenette apartments, garden-type maisonette dwelling projects, and all other multiple dwellings except Class B multiple dwellings.
See the List of Multiple Dwelling Classifications
A multiple dwelling which is occupied, as a rule transiently, as the more or less temporary abode of individuals or families who are lodged with or without meals. This class shall include hotels, lodging houses, rooming houses, boarding houses, boarding schools, furnished room houses, lodgings, club houses, college and school dormitories and dwellings designed as private dwellings but occupied by one or two families with five or more transient boarders, roomers or lodgers in one household.
See the List of Multiple Dwelling Classifications